At least once a week I make my way to Camas Antiques to restock and fluff my little space. Usually I am bringing in treasures found at an estate sale the previous weekend, but sometimes there just aren't any sales to attend. Then there are those weekends when my busy schedule doesn't allow me to make it to a sale, but towards the end of the month it seems that I am usually just plain out of spending money!
Still, I've made it my goal to work on my display at least once a week and not arrive at the shop empty handed. And sometimes that means getting creative with what I have at home.
This was one of those weeks...running out of money, no great sales to attend and really no time for them anyways. I pulled this old bottle crate from my "junk pile" in the garage, cleaned it up a bit and went to work filling it with little treasures to create a "curio effect." A very old family photo, a couple sets of monogrammed napkin rings, jars and salt shakers filled with dried roses, and a few printed cards with vintage jewelry tucked into each cubby with a bit of lace trim makes for a fun little vignette to add to my display.
Thank you so much for your sweet visit! I look forward to skipping around blog land to see what lovely inspiration all of you incredibly talented, creative ladies have to share this week!
Best Wishes and Blessings,
Joining these fun blog parties... Special thanks and hugs to the wonderful hostesses!
Debra - Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground
Cindy - Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Sherry - Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Courtney - Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Honey - Potpourri Party at 2805