I like to start my mornings here, at the computer, cup of coffee in hand. My first stop is usually Blogger Comments, where I enjoy reading lovely notes from you sweet friends, old and new! Yesterday, I nearly threw my coffee across the room when I saw who my newest comment was from...
Annie Sloan!!!
Can you believe it? I still can't believe it! She had read my post, "
Ten Projects...One Can of Chalk Paint!" I wanted to share her comment with you, not to gloat, but because she was clearly directing her words to my readers and the other post commenters as well!
Annie's Comment Read:
"Again thanks so much for this posting- This is one of those postings that makes me think- why didn't I do that! Such a good idea! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am about to leave for my month long tour of the USA where I will be doing Workshops all over ---Dallas, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, Washington (Leesburg) and Boston! Ticket sales are going incredibly well but there are still places. I will be talking about colour as well as doing workshops! I hope I see some of you there. Don't forget to tell me if you came via this posting - I love the connections we make here!"
Thank you, Annie! And what a perfect lead into another bit of exciting news...
My name was drawn for one of two tickets given away over the weekend at
The Purple Pear for Annie Sloan's workshop in San Francisco! So yes, I will be seeing you very soon, Annie! I am beyond excited! Meeting Annie Sloan and learning techniques and methods from her is a dream come true for me! When I received word from Phyllis that my name had been drawn, I quickly called my husband, who went to work to find me the best deal on airfare, with the agreement that this would mean he was off the hook for my birthday and Mother's Day gifts this year! (He tried to work in Christmas as well...but I thought that was going a bit far!) I can't think of anything I would love more than to attend this workshop! So, I really must say thank you to my sweet husband for the airfare, and thank you, Phyllis for drawing my name for the workshop ticket!
If you're interested in attending one of Annie's workshops March 16-April 2, you can read more and even register at her website
On Saturday I received a call from Camas Antiques to let me know that my hutch topped desk had sold and was on it's way out the door! As happy as I always am to get that kind of news, it also leaves me in a bit of a panic. "What's next? What am I going to makeover now to fill the empty space?" I wanted to save this little vanity for when the Duck Egg one had sold, because they where somewhat similar in size and style. However, when I looked around the garage on Saturday afternoon, this was the piece that called out to me...and it stated, very clearly..."Scandinavian Pink and Old White!" So, I grabbed my paint brush in obedience and went straight to work!

I started by mixing a little bit of the Scandinavian Pink with a lot of Old White. I have experimented with this mix before, and the color is so soft and lovely. I especially love the look of it after the dark wax has been applied. I also did a bit of dry brushed highlights with Old White and gave special attention with a small brush to the carved details at the bottom.

I had spotted this sweet little vanity in a photo on Craigslist advertising an estate sale across town last month. When I arrived (later than I had intended) at the sale, I thought for sure the piece I had come hoping to buy would be long gone...but it wasn't, it was meant to be mine and I claimed it without hesitation! Down the hallway from the bedroom where the vanity was sitting, was another room filled with books and a few boxes of old photographs. I must have spent an hour rummaging through all of those photographs! Most of them seemed to be of the same family, a mother, father, 3 older daughters and a young son. Several were of the 3 daughters with one of their girlfriends. Someone had taken special care to make detailed notes on the backs of many of the photos, which I so enjoyed reading. I brought home a whole stack of these photos that day, along with the vanity and a few other treasures.

One of my favorite photos, was this one of the four girls and it was titled on the back "Single Bunch," listing their names and ages. Every photo of this group gave the impression that these were young ladies who really treasured their friendship. Girlfriends and sisters...out having fun and enjoying life together! I could imagine myself being a part of their little club.
Please feel free to use these sweet old images in your multimedia art projects.
I think these girls would be honored to have the memories of their dear friendships live on! I love sharing them with you and knowing that they are no longer tossed away and forgotten in an old box!

As I was working on the vanity this weekend, I started thinking about those young ladies in the photos and an idea crossed my mind. Maybe, just maybe this vanity had belonged to one of them at some point in time, only to be passed down along with the box of photos to some distant relative who treasured them and passed them on until there was no one left in the family who was interested in the history and nostalgia of these items. It's a sad thought, but I know it happens. Not everyone appreciates the history and significance in old things. You all know that I do...to such a degree that I just had to include a couple of the photos with the vanity, and a tag explaining why I had done so. Just in case Emmy had once sat at this vanity and clipped on her pearl earrings, preparing for a night out with her beloved girlfriends. Wouldn't it be fitting to let a couple of the photos go along with it to the new owner? I used satin photo corners to temporarily attach the photographs to the insides of the drawers, so that they could be removed for safe keeping when the drawers were filled with other treasures.

The sweet little bench which came with the vanity was painted to match, and I recovered the cushion with a drop cloth, striped with a muted floral flanked by two strips of vintage lace.
All of this talk of young girlfriends is stirring up so many wonderful memories! And the timing couldn't be more fitting as I plan to travel up North tomorrow morning to visit one of my oldest and dearest girlfriends and meet her first baby, born just last week! And so, I dedicate this post to you, Kaisa! ...and to girlfriends and sisters everywhere and the special bonds we share and memories we hold dear!
Thank you so very much for your sweet visit today! Until next time...
Best Wishes and Blessings,