I feel a little funny writing about Beatrix Potter and my 10th wedding anniversary in the same post, but I had some Potter related items I've been waiting to share and it just so happens that her birthday falls on the same day as my anniversary!
A couple of weeks ago, I spotted these bunnies together in a sandwich bag amongst a lot of cheesy figurines on the shelf at the Goodwill.
I don't usually go for little nick knacky things...but I do love bunnies and these looked like they may be something special!
Special, Indeed!
They were Royal Albert Beatrix Potter figurines!
I couldn't believe they were so carelessly thrown into a sandwich bag! I inspected them closely, thinking for sure they'd be chipped! Nope! Perfect condition, and $3.99 for the pair!
Mrs. Rabbit Cooking.
This is Poorly Peter Rabbit...isn't he sweet?
I took my dear little bunnies directly to the register and kindly asked the cashier to remove them from the bag and wrap them separately, they were Royal Albert for goodness sake!
They now have a special place in my curio amongst my teapots and cups!
My dear friend Judy and her husband collect a pair of bird figurines for each year of their marriage. Being that we share our anniversary with Ms. Potter's birthday, it seems appropriate that we should collect these figurines for each year of marriage...don't you agree? My sweet husband wasn't so thrilled with this idea. I only have these two...so I'm about 8 figurines behind!
This adorable tiered vintage table was at a yard sale last week for $5! Of course I purchased it thinking it would be such fun to do up a display around it at the shop.
Once I had it painted and distressed, I set it in the living room between our wing back chairs (temporarily of course). Hmmm...well...who would have know...it's just what I needed for this room! My sweet husband said, keep it...until you find something you like better! He knows me too well! We've only had about 10 different tables in that very spot...all of which made their way to the shop eventually. But this time, I think we've found a keeper! I love all of the ornate detail, which really popped once I'd distressed it! Quite Frenchy, don't you think?

A couple of years ago I picked up this old, obviously handmade plaque featuring characters from Beatrix Potter stories at a pole barn sale. I tried to sell it at the shop as I couldn't seem to justify keeping it at the time, but clearly I was attached and priced it higher than anyone wanted to pay. It sat and sat...and I eventually brought it home, figuring it was meant to stay with me! I have found a spot for it above my curio in the living room...the curio that houses my new little bunny figurines!
I have quite a collection of back issues of Victoria magazine that I am constantly flipping through for inspiration. I do not have this issue, but found these pages tucked away in a Beatrix Potter book I purchased at a rummage sale! I have since sold the book but held onto the article. I loved that someone felt it was special enough to tuck away and save. Obviously I am not the only one who adores Beatrix Potter and her work.
Have you seen the movie, Ms. Potter with Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor? It's one of my all-time favorites! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you do! I will probably make my sweetie watch it with me this evening...after our anniversary date!
I'll leave you with a favorite photo from our wedding day...
Happy anniversary, Honey! I love you! The last 10 years have been absolutely wonderful...truly! I am so blessed to have you in my life!
Guess where my sweet husband has agreed to take me this Saturday for a little anniversary weekend outing...
It's sure to be a fabulous show! Let me know if you plan to attend...it would be so fun to meet some blog buddies there! And if you don't live close by...rest assured that I will be taking my camera and will share LOADS of photos next week!
Thank you so very much for your sweet visit today! Have a lovely weekend!
Best Wishes and Blessings,
I'll be joining in these fun parties: