Once again I find myself really really behind on blogging! If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, consider this a quick recap of the past three months. And if you just follow along here and wondered where I went, thank you SO much for hanging in there and not giving up on me!
This first photo is a fairly recent shot of our front room. That beautiful green door is new, well new to us! I purchased it from my best friend's parents who tell me that it was the original front door to the 100 year old family farmhouse in Winlock, WA. They recently discovered it in the rafters of an old barn on the property. The fabulous shabby green paint is original and all of the hardware is intact! I think it works well in that corner but I'd like to raise it up a bit so we can see more of it. I think it's pretty fabulous...and oh so special!

Here's a favorite mini-project completed in January. An old wooden tray got a beautiful update in Annie Sloan's Paris Grey and Old White. Artisan Enhancements Transfer Gel was used to apply the beautiful typography. Want to learn more about the image transfer process? Here's a link to a video tutorial: Image Transfer Sign Video
In January we started transforming our dining room into a home office/studio space. It made a lot of sense for our family and although it's still a work in progress, we are loving it so far. I shared this little gem that although I've had for some time, finally feels at home on our desk/work table. I shared the back history on this very special family piece here: Throw it on the Burn Pile
Our little Basil dog turned 13 this month! He made a big impression on social media with this pic! We just adore him and feel so blessed that he's still with us.
This beauty stopped me in my tracks at an estate sale last weekend! She was priced a little higher than I had wanted to pay, so I walked away but couldn't stop thinking about her. On the last day of the sale she was still there, waiting for me...meant to be! After a good cleaning and some touch up work here and there, she is ready for her debut at Camas Antiques. I wish I had a place for her in my home. She is really something special. I believe her to be from the 1920's. I wish there was a manufacturer marking somewhere, but unfortunately there is not. If anyone has a similar piece or has any information to offer, please share! I love researching my vintage and antique finds and feel like I've hit a dead end with this one.
I am knee deep in projects for a very special window display! I will try to keep the blog a little more current, but if you're at all interested in daily sneak peeks, before and afters, more pet photos and so forth...come find me on
Thank you so much for your visit today! I wish you many blessings and much happiness!
Until next time!