The Women's Ministry at our church is having their first ever Christmas Tea and I am so excited to be hosting a table! Of course the part I enjoy most (aside from the quality time with my sweet gal pals!) is pulling out all of my pretty teacups and dishes and borrowing pieces of decor from around the house to put together an elegant and inviting table! In the interest of being organized and having a purposeful plan, I spent some time this morning doing a "mock up" of my "Shabby Christmas Cottage Tea Table." I also figured that this would be the only way I would get good photos of my table setting to share for Tablescape Thursday at
Between Naps on the Porch! And I am sure I'll be too busy gabbing with friends Sunday evening to take pictures and probably won't even remember to bring my camera! (hold on...writing myself a note to remember my camera!) With all of the hustle and bustle of the week before Christmas, I hope you'll take time for a cup of tea with a good friend! I think we could all use exactly that kind of a relaxed moment right about now! Don't forget to serve that tea in a bone china doesn't taste quite as good any other way!
I just couldn't help but share one more tablescape with you. As I was setting up my tea table in the dining room, my little guy set up his own tea party in the adjacent living room! He happily poured cheerios into cups for his special kitty, bobcat and tortoise for at least an hour! I don't know how I ever could have set up and photographed my tablescape this morning had he not been so content entertaining his friends! |
Thank you for your sweet visit today! I love reading your comments! Please visit
Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday! I am also linking up with my Friday favs...
Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground, Feathered Nest Friday at
French Country Cottage and Show and Tell Friday at
My Romantic Home! Of course I'll also join in on Pink Saturday at
How Sweet The Sound!Please check them out when you have a free won't be disappointed! Promise!
Merry Christmas, Best Wishes and Many Blessings to you all!