That's right, I took the advice of my dear blog friends and spent the better portion of my Christmas money on that petite chandelier for the kitchen! I really hadn't even considered a chandelier for the kitchen before I posted a photo last week and started blabbing about how something was missing! The thing is, our adjacent breakfast nook has a creamy chandelier I assumed that a chandelier in the kitchen would be too much. What I hadn't thought about was a petite on such a small scale that it would create some balance and compliment the other rather than compete with it.
This is the photo of our kitchen that I shared last week...when I had the chandelier epiphany! |
So, I had spotted this adorable little thing at the antique store last week and stared at it wondering where I could possibly use it in our home. It was not very expensive for an old, restored chandelier but I am not one to go out and purchase something on a whim when I can't justify it. After days of thinking about it, dreaming about it, and reading all of your convincing comments, I went back to the shop yesterday to see if it was still there...and it was! It was meant to be! My sweet friend at the counter said, "Oh, you're buying the chandelier! I know what you're going to do with it...I read your blog!" Too funny! I really, reeeeeallly wanted it hung up last night so that I could share it with you today, but as it turns out, it isn't as easy of an install as I had hoped. It's going to require at the very least a trip to Home Depot and the advice of some electrical expert. I had originally thought I would just hang it from a hook and plug it into an outlet on the top of the cupboards. But, when hubby stood on the counter and held it up in different spots to see where it should go, the obvious place and where it looks the very best is where we already have a can light. Have you ever replaced a can light with a hanging fixture? I tried googling it but didn't find any helpful advice. So because I could not wait to share this little beauty with you, I took pics of it sitting here on the counter! I promise to share again once it's hanging in it's special spot. Maybe I'll be inspired to redo the tops of the cupboards for that post as well! We'll see.

I still have a little spending money leftover for clothing and if I'm thrifty, (which I am) I can stretch it and get a few new pieces to update and restore my wardrobe! As much as I love having new clothes, I have always felt that something for the home is a better investment. I guess it's all about where your priorities are. For the amount I spent on my new little chandelier, I could have bought a sweater at Nordstrom. In a year or two, the sweater would be fuzz-balled and out-dated but my chandelier will still be sparkling and making me smile. That's how I see it!

If you are a follower of Sandy at My Shabby Streamside Studio, you know that she recently posted about her favorite petite chandelier. I first read about Sandy in the NY Times and was elated to find that even with all of her new found fame, she still writes a blog and shares gorgeous photos and stories with her faithful followers. If you haven't found Sandy's blog and you love all things shabby chic, ruffly, feminine, romantic and vintage, you must get to
My Shabby Streamside Studio right away! Not only does she have amazingly impeccable taste and talent, but she has an intriguing and charming story to tell as well!
This is the gorgeous petite antique chandelier that Sandy recently posted about! |
Another one of my favorite bloggers wrote a post about her shabby kitchen not long ago. She has a darling chandelier hanging over her kitchen sink...and we happen to have the same window treatment! I love how she added the pink shutters to the window and sweet rosy plates to the side of her cupboard! Olivia is a real sweetie and her blog,
Olivia's Romantic Home is full of gorgeous shabby decorating ideas and projects. If you're not familiar with her blog, you should definitely go check it out! I guarantee you'll feel like you're a special guest at a dear friend's charming home!
Olivia's sweet petite chandelier and kitchen window. |
Thank you for your visit today! I so enjoy reading your comments! I consider you all my dear friends and look forward to visiting you and seeing what decorating and crafting projects you've been working on! So many sweet and talented ladies out there!
Best Wishes and Many Blessings,
I am linking up with the following fun parties today:
White Wednesday at
Faded Charm Cottage
Vintage Inspiration at
Common Ground
Show and Tell Friday at
My Romantic Home
Saturday Night Special at
Funky Junk Interiors